Christian Protestant Chaplaincy — Fellowship of Christian Athletes

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes offers students, athletes, coaches and University staff an opportunity to learn more about God’s love for them and how it can positively affect their daily lives.

Our weekly Monday meeting consists of food, relationship building and an inspiring message about knowing and growing in Christ. We also offer small group Bible studies as an additional way to develop spiritual maturity.

Weekly Dinner
8-8:45 PM
Carmelo Anthony Basketball Center
Dinner is provided.

Click here for more information on the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Rev. William Payne
Advisor, Fellowship of Christian Athletes*

In March 2018 Rev. William Payne was appointed as campus director of the University’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Payne started playing baseball at an early age, sustained a love of sports throughout his youth in Maryland, and continues to blend athletics and ministry. After graduating from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology in 1996, he went on to graduate from Baptist Bible Seminary in Pennsylvania in 2004. He served as a pastor in Michigan and Syracuse before joining the FCA. Payne is enthusiastic about ministering alongside students of the campus community.