On Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025 from 4:00 to 5:15 PM, you’re invited to sing with the Hendricks Chapel Choir for “Let’s Sing! Community Hymn and Anthem Sing” at Hendricks Chapel of Syracuse University. Singers of all experience levels from the campus and wider Central New York community are invited to an uplifting afternoon of song and community spirit with the Hendricks Chapel Choir, choir director José “Peppie” Calvar, and the Syracuse University organists. This event is co-sponsored by the Syracuse Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
Whether you’re a seasoned singer or simply love to sing, don’t miss this chance to raise your voice in harmony with your friends and neighbors at Hendricks Chapel. The event will begin with vocal warm-ups led by Dr. Calvar, followed by a guided sing-along to new and familiar hymns and anthems.
Please register online if you’d like to receive a music packet ahead of the event.
Complimentary parking is available in the Quad and Hillside lots. For more information on this and other Hendricks Chapel events, visit chapel.syracuse.edu. For accommodations, please call the chapel at 315.443.2901.