The Evangelical Chaplaincy congratulates HakSoo Ha, who just completed his Ph.D. in Sustainable Energy at SUNY-ESF. HakSoo, who is from South Korea, connected with the Evangelical Chaplaincy during his first year at SUNY-ESF and has participated in their weekly Bible studies and worship each week. Through the Evangelical Chaplaincy, HakSoo has not only gained fellowship with other Christian students, but also grown in his faith. Those relationships have extended beyond campus, including a hiking and camping trip to the Adirondacks with some of the friends he has made through the chaplaincy. HakSoo says, “I praise the Lord how he has worked in my life using the Evangelical Chaplaincy.  Bible study and fellowship have greatly helped me strengthen my faith in the Lord even during COVID-19. I am grateful for the faithful work and dedication that have reflected God’s love.”

The Evangelical Chaplaincy has a fellowship and worship gathering Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel, which will continue in the Spring semester, along with other opportunities for fellowship and fun. Jay Koshy, Evangelical Chaplain, is available to students during the week for prayer, spiritual guidance, or even just to talk.