Programs for 2024-2025 Academic Year

Jumuah Prayer (During the school year)

  • Fridays at 1:10 p.m. in the Main Chapel

Friday Lunch (During the school year)

  • Fridays at 1:45 p.m., following Jumuah in The Noble Room

      Qur’an Study Classes

        • Learn how to read Qur’an (beginner level), improve your reading skills (intermediate level), learn and practice tajweed rules (advanced level), engage in a hifz/memorization program, or the basics of understanding Qur’anic text.
        • Please fill out the interest form:

      Peer to Peer Series: Lessons of Surah Yusuf

      • Wednesdays at 7 p.m. (Sep 18 through Nov 20)
      • Muslim Prayer Room, Hendricks Chapel

      Cairo & Umrah Trip

      • December 18-30
      • Register here:

      Seerah Contest

      • Fall 2024
      • Award: Free Cairo & Umrah Trip in December of 2024
      • Email to learn how to participate!

      Character Building Series

      • Fall 2024 & Spring 2025
      • Frequency: Once a month
      • Location: 1443 E Genesee St
      • Dinner provided
      • Email for more details!

      Understanding Islam Series

      Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Fellowship (JMF) Series

      Tafsir Class

      • Friday afternoons (During the school year)
      • Online
      • Email for more info!

      From Seekers to Steadfast: A Program for New Muslims


        The office of Muslim Student Life at Syracuse University, also known as the Muslim Chaplaincy, is about support for Muslim students, faculty, and staff in all religious and spiritual needs for development and growth. It is about accommodation, openness, and understanding — not judgment or restriction. It aims to improve understanding and representation of Muslim cultures and communities here in the US and worldwide through sharing our universal values with people of faith and no faith.

        Muslim Student Life supports the work of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), a registered student organization (RSO), and a religious group of Hendricks Chapel, run by student leaders and advised by the SU Muslim Chaplain. Some of the MSA initiatives are focused on:

        • Social and cultural events celebrating diversity within the Muslim campus community
        • Discussions on challenges and opportunities facing Muslim students
        • Daily and Jumuah prayers
        • Islamic education programs
        • Iftars (breaking the fast meals) during Ramadan
        • Collaboration on humanitarian projects
        • Interfaith discussions

        Follow our Facebook & Instagram Pages and bulletin boards for programs, events, and more info!

        Instagram: @muslimstudentlife and @syracusemsa

        Muslim Students Association (MSA):

          The Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) is a registered student organization (RSO) and a religious group of Hendricks Chapel run by student leaders elected annually. The MSA builds and maintains a community for Muslims at Syracuse University and introduces Islamic cultures, heritage, and values to understand and enrich human values.

          Along with the Muslim Chaplaincy of Hendricks Chapel, MSA educates the campus community on Islam and contemporary Muslim issues, facilitates services like Jumuah, Taraweeh, and Eid prayers at Hendricks Chapel, offers Ramadan iftars and Eid celebrations, and advocates for the accommodations and needs of Muslim students on campus including prayer rooms, ablution/wudu’ stations, halal food in dining halls, and Muslim friendly recreational facilities.

          Visit the MSA website or social media accounts @syracusemsa, and reach out via email at


          Imam Amir Durić
          Advisor, Muslim Student Association
          Muslim Student Life


          Chaplain Durić is available for office hours on Monday-Friday by appointment. Contact him to schedule.

          Give to the Muslim Chaplaincy at Syracuse University.