
Blessing of Students

In honor of the students at Syracuse University, and to commemorate the conclusion of the Spring semester and celebrate the graduating Class of 2021, the Dean, chaplains and staff of Hendricks Chapel will host a “Blessing of Students” on Sunday, May 9, at 4 p.m. ET on Zoom Webinar.

The virtual program will include musical performances and spoken reflections from Dean Brian Konkol, our chaplains of diverse faiths, and the Hendricks Chapel Choir!

This event is free and open to all, including Syracuse University students, parents, alumni and community members. Captioning and American Sign Language will be provided. Preregistration is not required.

This program will open Commencement 2021 festivities. Learn more about this year’s ceremony at

Muslim Students’ Association Inspires Renovation of Prayer Space in Hendricks Chapel

Students often seek a safe space on campus where they can feel at home. At Hendricks Chapel, the chaplains, staff and students work together to create an environment that is welcoming of the broader campus community and will continue to benefit those who use it in the future.

Syracuse University recently invested in that mission with a renovation of the Muslim Prayer Room, located on the lower level of Hendricks Chapel. Approved in August 2020 after engaged discussions with the Muslim student community, the project has since been completed.

Learn more in Syracuse University News.

Student Assembly of Interfaith Leaders Highlights Importance of Interfaith Collaboration

Conversations about faith and religion are often avoided. In the midst of polarized times such topics can be especially daunting. However, as shared by Rev. Brian E. Konkol, dean of Hendricks Chapel, a key to understanding others lies in having these serious conversations.

Ethan Smith G'22

Ethan Smith G’22, convener of SAIL

“For years far too many have been told to not discuss religion in public life, yet in recent times we have witnessed the consequences,” says Konkol.  “So we should not avoid such conversations but instead find ways to have them, and have them in ways that are both safe and brave.”

“The Student Assembly of Interfaith Leaders is one of the ways that we are trying to spark and sustain spaces that allow for our students to share their beliefs and learn about the beliefs of others,” he says.

Learn more in Syracuse University News.