By Dara Harper
Rabbi Ethan Bair and Imam Amir Durić, chaplains at Hendricks Chapel, model how friendship and understanding can transcend and transform adversity. Through the Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Fellowship they co-founded, Bair and Durić have helped the Syracuse University campus community unlock the potential of religious and spiritual diversity, and their shared efforts are receiving national recognition.
Each year, Interfaith America, founded by Eboo Patel and known as one of the nation’s premier interfaith organizations, chooses exemplary leaders as Interfaith Innovation Fellows. Out of over 200 applicants across the country, both Durić and Bair were chosen. The Fellowship awards grant funding to leaders with an inspirational vision for social change. Durić and Bair will network with cohort members, learn from one another’s projects, participate in a retreat geared toward professional development, and work with mentors at Interfaith America. Along with Durić and Bair, nine other Fellows representing various worldviews and projects were also named as Fellows.
After Bair and Durić first met at a Hendricks Chapel retreat in 2022, they perceived potential not just for their friendship but for the opportunities to continue the interfaith work they both valued. “Interfaith work has always been a priority for me,” said Bair. “Amir and I really only knew each other for a year before we created this Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Fellowship and applied for our first grant from Interfaith America. I’ve been an ordained rabbi for 15 years and have dedicated myself to interfaith work in every position I’ve held. What’s new is being able to work with an ordained Muslim imam who shares so many of my values. That is a blessing.”
Durić completed his undergraduate degree in Sarajevo, Bosnia, which is known for its religious and spiritual diversity. In one part of the city, you can locate a mosque, synagogue and cathedral all on one city block. However, when he attended the Hartford International University for Religion and Peace seminary in Connecticut, he was able to observe interfaith dialogue in practice. Durić remembered visiting campus when two friends (one Jewish, one Muslim) came to speak about a summer project. Their organization in California visited the Middle East to bring together Jews, Muslims and Christians. “I was like, wow, this is really powerful. They are investing time, and resources just to invite people to have a meal together,” said Durić. “So when Rabbi Bair joined Syracuse University, I felt we could team up, and that was really a blessing.”
A Friend for Virtue and Creating Connections for Students
According to Bair, in Jewish tradition there are teachings about finding a mentor, acquiring a friend, and giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. “There are a few different versions of friends, and the top level is a friend for virtue. I feel like Amir and I are friends for virtue,” said Bair. “Our friendship helps us become better people. We talk about our values, our vision for our own chaplaincies, and also for what we can do together.”
Bair and Durić’s friendship extends into their work as chaplains in various ways. As chaplains serving minority religious groups, the pair have a unique opportunity to create more understanding between their respective communities. Bair notes that their partnership and fellowship are focused on creating intentional space between two communities that rarely meet each other. “There are so many unique similarities between Jews and Muslims, such as dietary rules and holidays that follow the lunar calendar,” he said. “And, of course, there are differences as well.”
What’s Next?
The imam and rabbi have already implemented the Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Fellowship, which has created support and understanding during an undoubtedly challenging year for their students. Now, the two are seeking to create a Living Learning Community (LLC) in which Muslim and Jewish students can live communally in a residence hall. They hope the LLC will build the foundation for shared communities, lasting friendships, understanding, and imagination. Syracuse University offers over 25 LLCs, such as “Arts and Expression,” “Education,” and “Science and Technology.”
Durić and Bair will travel to Chicago for a retreat with the other Interfaith Innovation Fellows in mid-November. In addition to the work they’ll be doing with their Interfaith America cohort, they’ll be working on their second round of Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Fellowships and creating opportunities for their students to build relationships and support their communities through kindness and service.

Both Bair and Durić are grateful for their experience at Hendricks Chapel and the support they receive from both the Chapel and Syracuse University. “When we enter spaces that are not Hendricks Chapel, I recognize how challenging it is what we’re doing. And yet, I am very comfortable here and I feel so much support for the kind of work and relationships that we build. The entire team of Hendricks is supportive and it’s an example of helping across the boundaries of religion, of worldviews, of race, of whatever we can think of,” said Durić. “Hendricks Chapel is an example of how it looks when we elevate ourselves and go beyond those boundaries that often limit what we can do.”
For more information on Hendricks Chapel’s chaplaincies and programs, visit the website or call 315.443.2901.