Hendricks Chapel is excited to welcome three new chaplains for the 2023-24 academic year.
Established in 1930 as a home for all faiths and place for all people, Hendricks Chapel has witnessed significant increases in student engagement in recent years and has responded with the placement of new chaplains and development of new chaplaincies to advance academic excellence at a university welcoming to all.
The Rev. Brian E. Konkol, dean of Hendricks Chapel since 2017, says diverse and dynamic chaplains are of great importance for the University community: “As confidential and trusted advisors, University chaplains accompany students of diverse religious, spiritual, moral and ethical identities and experiences. While drawing from their distinctive traditions and practices, chaplains are called upon to serve all people by building community, exploring belief, offering guidance, leading rituals, facilitating cooperation and providing care.”
Hendricks Chapel is now host to 15 chaplains and 27 religious and spiritual life groups. To connect with a chaplain, please visit the Chaplains Suite on the lower level of Hendricks Chapel, call 315.443.2901 or visit chapel.syracuse.edu.
About the New Chaplains
Daren Jaime
Pastor Daren C. Jaime, Christian Protestant Chaplaincy, Historically Black Church
Pastor Daren C. Jaime moved to Syracuse 17 years ago and hails from Harlem, New York. His ministerial journey began in 1994, when he acknowledged his call to ministry at the Saint Frances A.M.E. Zion Church in Port Chester, New York. He is currently the senior pastor at People’s A.M.E. Zion Church in Syracuse and is very active in the local community. Pastor Jaime has also been privileged to reach a global community as an award-winning journalist, educating minds across the world through his former radio show “Power Perspectives” and his weekly live television broadcasts of “Perspectives” and “Open” on Bronxnet. You can reach Pastor Jaime at dcjaime@syr.edu.
William Payne
Rev. William Payne, Christian Protestant Chaplaincy, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
In March 2018 Rev. William Payne was appointed as campus director of the University’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Payne started playing baseball at an early age, sustained a love of sports throughout his youth in Maryland, and continues to blend athletics and ministry. After graduating from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology in 1996, he went on to graduate from Baptist Bible Seminary in Pennsylvania in 2004. He served as a pastor in Michigan and Syracuse before joining the FCA. Payne is enthusiastic about ministering alongside students of the campus community. You can reach him at wmpayne@syr.edu.
Dave Schubert
Reverend Doshin David Schubert, Buddhist Chaplaincy, Zen Center of Syracuse
Reverend Doshin David Schubert was ordained as a Rinzai Zen Buddhist monk in 1994. He is currently the head monk at the Zen Center of Syracuse. Schubert was born in Syracuse and graduated from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) with a degree in environmental and forest biology and later received a master’s degree, also from SUNY ESF, in forest entomology. After years of working at Beaver Lake Nature Center and Burnet Park Zoo, he retired in 2023 to join the Hendricks Chapel team and spend more time with his wife, two daughters, four dogs, three cats and two guinea pigs! You can reach him at dschub01@syr.edu.