Hillel Jewish Student Union

The Hillel Jewish Student Union (HJSU) creates a diverse and comfortable Jewish community at Syracuse University through programming, leadership opportunities and interpersonal relationships.  The HJSU cultivates relevant and relatable programming around the arts, social justice, Israel, Jewish identity and positive Jewish role models in order to empower the current and future generations of Jewish leadership on campus.

HJSU hosts events like Passover Seder in the stadium, Israel Fest and Shabbat services (5:30 p.m.) and delicious kosher Shabbat dinners (6:15 p.m.) every Friday throughout the academic year at the Winnick Hillel Center for Jewish Life (located at 102 Walnut Place).  Shabbat with the Hillel community is a wonderful way to relax and recharge with old and new friends at the end of the week! Hillel also hosts services, meals and programming for Jewish holidays.

You can learn about all of our events, programs and leadership opportunities on our website:  www.syracusehillel.org.

And stay up-to-date with Hillel on our social media!
Instagram:  @syracusehillel
Facebook:  Syracuse Hillel

The Winnick Hillel Center for Jewish Life
102 Walnut Place
Syracuse, NY 13210