Chabad Jewish Student Center

“The warmest place away from home.”

Chabad Jewish Student Center serves Syracuse University and the campuses of Central New York, with religious services, educational and social programming. “Have Shofar, will travel,” Sukkah Mobile, Simchat Torah Dancing, Giant Traveling Chanukah Menorah, Purim Blast, International Student Shabbaton in NYC, Passover Seders and Birthright Israel are among the many programs offered by Chabad.

Chabad Jewish Student Center is the address for a Kosher properly handwritten Mezuzah, Tefillin, Shabbat Candles, A Siddur and anything Jewish. It’s the home for every Orange Jew.


Rabbi Mendy Rapoport and Lakey Rapoport
Chabad Lubavitch
825 Ostrom Ave.
Syracuse, NY

For a fully updated schedule, visit the Chabad website.
Follow us on Instagram: @chabadsu

Weekly Meetings:

  • Weekly Friday at 7 p.m., followed by free Shabbat dinner.  For more information, email or call 315.877.8829.
  • Shabbat morning Minyan: Saturday, 11 a.m., followed by free Shabbat lunch
Chabad Board: From left to right Bekah Smith ‘26, Sofia Vatnik ‘26, David Rubin ‘26, Nathaniel Vasserman ‘26